Monday, December 24, 2007

Monday 24th December 2007

I have discovered the origins of Mornington Crescent.

My Mother in Law bought me a book on Mah-Jongg:

Rule 122 (e):

'If a player completes his hand by robbing a kong of two bamboos, he scores a full hand. This is termed as 'Scratching a Carrying Pole'.'

Whereas rule, 122 (f):

'If a player completes a kong, with the loose tile thus obtained completes a second kong, and with the second loose tile obtains Mah-Jongg, he scores a full hand. This is termed 'Kong upon kong', or 'Twofold Fortune'. The requirement for this hand is that two kongs and the whole hand should be completed in one and the same turn. '

Winchmore Hill.

The auction for the onions is up to £1.20.