Sunday, February 03, 2008

Saturday 2nd February 2007

I ate something I had never eaten today for lunch.

Sharon fruit.

It tasted of, well pretty much nothing, a bit sweet, with the texture of an apple crossed with nectarine.

I did this because Nicky and I performed our usual Ceilidh in the Supermarket this afternoon. When we get back home and start unpacking I always discover things that I have never seen in the shop before, let alone would ever consider buying.

Recent Nicky acquisitions include:

100% organic Lemon Balm & Orange Blossom Conditioner.

Lemon, Rosemary and Walnut hand and nail cream.

Triare Flower & Patchouli Hand Wash.

Warm Vanilla & Neroli Hand Wash (Yes you have a choice of hand washes in our bath room).

Sharon Fruit.

My recent acquisitions:

Bread with the tiger skin pattern on it.

Cheese and onion crisps.

Beer (preferably Holsten Pils) Recently they have changed the flavour of this essential item. I have written to Carlsberg to complain, but have yet to have a response.

Frozen chips (the thin ones from waitrose).

A lemon.

I think that I may have already mentioned that I got the wireless network sorted at home. This means that I can sit in the dining room, while Nicky is upstairs doing work for, well work. I also realised that I could print stuff on the printer upstairs, right where Nicky is working. So we can still communicate.

I spent the afternoon watching the rugby and sending printed messages to Nicky upstairs.

It was no subterranean homesick blues, but it kept me amused.

I will plant some trees, I promise, and then I will walk over the discarded paper, whilst poets pass behind me.

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