Saturday, February 02, 2008

Friday 1st February 2008

Liebe Freundin, lieber Freund von Tarzan

Winteraktion: Unsere Preise machen die Talabfahrt!

50 % auf ausgewählte Tarzan-StoffeHalbe Preise, ganz grosse Auswahl: Unsere Artikel schenken wir Dir zur Hälfte:Hier kannst du Deine Tarzan-Aktionen aussuchen: eingefrorenen Winterpreise gelten 1 Woche und der Lagerbestand ist begrenzt.

Grenzenlos profitierenShirts für einen Event? Logo-Aufdrucke für alle Mitarbeiter? EM-Hoodies für deinen Verein? Tarzan Unlimited macht alles möglich. Bei uns kannst Du ab 20 Stück eigene T-Shirts, Polos und Jacken produzieren lassen. In Tarzan-Qualität zu sensationellen Bestpreisen: Hundert Stück erhältst Du bereits ab CHF 14.90. Wir machen aus Deiner Idee ein gemeinsames Produkt. Der erste Schritt zu einer Offerte oder Beratung: oder 061 361 61 62

Bis bald

Team Tarzan

Ps: Musterverkauf im Tarzan Store in Basel:Im Februar findest Du im Tarzan Store in Basel Einzelstücke und Prototypen von nie produzierten Styles aus unserer brodelnden Designküche.

I hope that makes sense to you.

I should never have bought those socks from Rita.

I could have shaped the Healthcare of the good people of the East Midlands, but alas, I had to apply by 31/10/07.

Campden Publishing wanted a "supersub". Apparently media speak for a subeditor. Closing date 12th October 2007.

Courtyard in Herefordshire were looking for a Programmer, but sadly they are a charity.

The Guardian themselves wanted a PA to the HR director. APD 6/10/07.

Youth Worker for the Jennifer Trust: Charity.

Tricycle were looking for an Artist in Residence, apply by date 29/10/07.

Blackpig were lookig for Account Directors, creative designers and Artworkers. APD 15/10/07.

Page 28 is rubbish. All of the adverts have passed their apply by dates, or they are charities. Surely there must be some advert without an apply by date here?

Redress: Charity Development Director.

I am quickly, too quickly, reaching the end of this challenge. I know I have likened it to Christine Ohurugu, but it really is. I feel like a runner turning the final bend; methodically plodding towards an inevitable goal.

Gather rosebuds and certainly seize the day.

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